Difficulty: Easy

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

Given the root of a binary tree, return the level order traversal of its nodes' values.


Sum of Two Integers without Arithmetic Operators

Add two integers without using Arithmetic Operators.


Find One Missing Number in a Range

Given an array containing n distinct integers in the range [0, n], one number is missing from the array. Find the missing number.


Check if Duplicate Element Exists in an Array

Given an array of integers, check if the array contains any duplicates.


Find all the Pairs with Given Sum

Given a list of integers, find all pairs with given sum.


Check if a Binary Tree is Balanced or Not

Given root of a binary tree, check if it is balanced or not.


Count Number of Substrings with Only 1s

Given a binary string, count no of substrings with only 1's.


Number of Differing Bits

Given two integers count the number of positions where there bit representation differ.
