
Find All the Start Indicies of an Anagram in a Separate String

Given two strings `s` and `p`, find all the start indices of `p`'s anagrams in `s`.


Find Triplets with Given Sum in an Unsorted Array

Given an unsorted array, find triplets with the given sum


Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts

Find maximum area of a piece of cake after making horizontal and vertical cuts.


Merge k Sorted Linked Lists

Given k sorted linked list, merge those list to form a final sorted linked list.


Find One Missing Number in a Range

Given an array containing n distinct integers in the range [0, n], one number is missing from the array. Find the missing number.


Check if Duplicate Element Exists in an Array

Given an array of integers, check if the array contains any duplicates.


Top k Frequent Words

How to use a Custom Comparator in C++ Priority Queue and Solving Top k Frequent Words
