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Getting Started with SAS Programming - SAS Studio and Basic Syntax
This is first in a series of notes as I go through the course: Getting Started with SAS Programming. Welcome
Print Matrix in Spiral Order
Given a matrix, print all elements in spiral order. Example 1 Input: matrix = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Top k Frequent Words
Given a list of words, return the most frequent elements. The answer should be sorted by frequency from highest to
Dijkstra Algorithm - Snippet
The idea is that we will try to relax edges through a different path whenever possible. Implementation Complexity Analysis Time
Modular Arithmetic
mod is the remainder of when is divided by . It is also represented by the sign . For example, 19 % 4
Time and Space Complexities of Popular Sorting Algorithms
Sort Worst Case TC Avg Case TC Best Case TC Space Complexity Is Stable Bubble Sort Yes Selection Sort No
Database Management System for Interviews Part - 1
Organization of Records in Files Heap File Organization Any record can be placed anywhere in the file where there is
Maximum Width of a Binary Tree
Given the root of a binary tree, return the maximum width of the given tree. The maximum width of a
C, C++ and OOPS for Interviews Part-1
Features of OOP Abstraction: We try to obtain abstract view, model or structure of real life problem, and reduce its
Check if Duplicate Element Exists in an Array
Given an array of integers, check if the array contains any duplicates. Example 1 Input: 3, 5, 7, 1, 7
Maximum Height When Coins are Arranged in Staircase Fashion
Given a total of coins find the total number of full staircase rows that can be built. Staircase rows are
Number of Differing Bits
Given two integers count the number of positions where their bit representation differs. A simple approach is to use their
Indexing in PowerApps
Sometimes we may need to access a particular index from a collection in PowerApps. For example, getting the n-th
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Given the root of a binary tree, return the level order traversal of its nodes’ values. (i.e., from left
Count the Number of Set Bits for Every Number from 0 to n
Given a number n, count the number of 1’s in the binary representation of each number from 0 to
Shorted Unsorted Subarray
Given an integer array nums, we have to find one subarray (contiguous elements of an array) that if we sort
Minimum Amount of Coins Required to Make up an Amount
You are given an infinite number of coins of different denominations and an amount. Find the minimum number of coins
Count Number of Substrings with Only 1s
Given a binary string, count no of substrings with only 1’s. Since the resulting count can be huge, return
Maximize Sum of Subsequence with Condition
Given an array of integers, maximize sub of subsequence such that the sum of any two elements in the subsequence
Word Ladder - Length of Shortest Transformation to Reach a Target Word
A transformation sequence from word to word using a dictionary is a sequence of words -> -> -> … -> such that: Every adjacent pair
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Data Analysis
October 2020
SAS Programming
Getting Started with SAS Programming - Exploring Data
Importing data in SAS studio
October 2020
SAS Programming
Getting Started with SAS Programming - Importing Data
Importing data in SAS studio
October 2020
SAS Programming
Getting Started with SAS Programming - SAS Studio and Basic Syntax
An overview of SAS Studio and Basic SAS Syntax